This is Writing Quest.

I am not a published author…yet.

I have loved writing for a long time and Writing Quest is me wanting to share everything I’ve learned with you. I began writing my story, The Legends of Escaradoth, as early as 2010, but there was one problem.

I had no idea what I was doing!

Fast forward to now and I have learned a lot, and my story has grown into a large fantasy series. My brother and I started Writing Quest in 2021 as a YouTube Channel simply there to share everything we learned along the way to becoming published authors. My brother Ayden eventually broke off on his own and started his own channel, Author Quest, and I continued on with Writing Quest.

I share my journey of writing my own projects, talk about tips, tricks and the art of storytelling as well as design tools and templates to help writers manage the monumental task of writing a epic tale!

Thank you for joining me on this Writing Quest! Huzzah!

Project Progress


The Last House of the High People

Novella | Revised Draft | 25%

Of Wolves and Wizards

Novel | First Draft | 25%

The Legends of Escaradoth Vol. 1

Short Story Anthology | First Draft | 50%



Brandon Sanderson | The Stormlight Archive | 65%

Notion Templates

Storybook: Master Novelist

Done! | 100%